La Summer U de l’EUJS du 22 au 29 juin en Bulgarie

Summer U – THE event bringing together young Jewish people from all over Europe, every year, for 27 years!

Join the European Union of Jewish Students for a week-long late-August bash in breath-taking Bulgaria!

Experience the engaging and stimulating sessions, have fun at our numerous workshops, relax at an incredible five-star hotel resort and celebrate summer with your new friends every night…all of this is Summer U!

27 years ago, EUJS’s vision was to bring together a group of vibrant, smart and interesting young Jews from across the continent. Year after year, EUJS has developed this fresh and dynamic European Jewish tradition further and further. Summer University or better known as Summer U- the single largest European Jewish event to occur every year – has become one of Europe’s largest and most successful youth programs, a right of passage for some five hundred European Jewish students and a great memory for the thousands of people who have attended so far.

Aimed at young adults from 18-35, Summer U reflects the diversity of European Jewry. You will have the chance to create your very own Summer U experience: Choose from numerous sessions tackling current issues that are relevant to today’s young Jews, play sports, hang out by our private lake, join one of the many workshops, celebrate the new friendships you have made all night long, relax at the spa of our gorgeous five-star hotel…You decide what Summer U means for you! EUJS provides you with the all building blocks for an unforgettable week.

This year, EUJS is bringing its largest annual event to Bulgaria from August 22nd to August 29th 2010. We are very proud to engage the Bulgarian Jewish community, and excited to discover Jewish life in the Balkans!

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